Getting gas at the cheap gas station nearby. Ooh, I like that Adam is wearing his snappy blazer with pinstripes, looking good, baby!
I put some sparkly stuff in my hair and I like it!
I'm also wearing more eyeliner than normal. I think it makes my eyes look too small. no me gusta.
It was a ward Christmas party and we were hanging our with our friends Kelly and Mike.
These two kids are not theirs, just kids from a family that enjoyed playing around with my camera. It was fun. They were torn between taking pictures with my camera and actually being *in* the pictures.
More pics forthcoming!
Danelle! You look so amazing! I miss you! :)
You look beautiful, an eyeliner tip I got from watching the Ellen DeGenneres (Oh, I don't know how to spell her name, but you get the point) is to put eyeliner on only your top eyelashes, it helps your eyes look not so small (Ellen has really small eyes)
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