Significance behind photos:
The first photo is one of my favorites of the year. Adam and Adeline just look marvelous. And also I had to crop out a huge herd of deer that we had followed across the street! The lighting was beautiful, the sun was low behind the green trees and it was near setting. Taken just this September. (Taken by me.)
Another one. Lovely lighting. Lovely deer. How can you not like that?
The second picture you might remember from Halloween. Adeline was being a wild woman and was trying to wriggle free and jump out of my arms. I love the look on her face. She was being a Bee from Pushing Daisies and I was the bee keeper, aka Chuck the Dead Girl. Watch the show, it's great and it's on DVD. I'm grateful to say that I think Adeline liked her costume. She certainly wasn't trying to pull it off all night, so that was a bonus. The wings did start to bug her a bit, but luckily they would just pull off and velcro back on. Simplicity. (Taken by Adam, at the peak of the action! I'm pretty sure he's a better photographer than I am.)
The picture in the bottom corner is from our lovely August/September roadtrip out west, and this is Imperial Beach in California, right above the Mexican border. We look great! The horizon is a little crooked, but I'll take it! (I had put the camera on top of a piece of propped-up driftwood. Taken by: A piece of driftwood, aka "makeshift tripod.")
The picture in the top corner is our most recent family photo! Hurrah! We look awesome! I still have yet to post these photos in a blog or on facebook. Meh.
This is my favorite long one from our most recent family photo. We are on the back deck at Mom and Pop Rowleys, many thanks to Grandma for taking the photo. I love the bright red Maple? Japanese Maple? tree in the back that was still super-red for awhile so by the time I got my bum in gear to take these photos, there was still some of the pretty autumn color left. Hooray for Mother Nature!
We're cracking up!
We took a photo around the Christmas tree tonight that turned out really well (also taken by Grandma) and it will be THE photo that helps us remember what Christmas 2011 looked like. I am hoping to print out photos of Christmases past and put them in a big frame together that I can whip out every Christmas as part of the decor. Wouldn't that be lovely? Wish me luck in this endeavor! I have too many things on the back-burner as it is.
And now you know too much.
P.S. Great Christmas Photos from 2011 for posterity.
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