But I'm finally feeling back to being good again, and hopefully I can hit the hay before midnight, which is actually pretty good for me. Something ALWAYS keeps me up past midnight.
We're doing good. Adam's set to graduate, I'm plunking along, and Adeline is doing well and she's getting to be a big girl. She's crawling and exploring sometimes makes mama and dada noises and she turns 8 months old this Sunday. She loves to laugh and talk with us, and we play on the piano together and look in the mirror in my bathroom together and play with toys all day long. :-)
Here are the major major highlights of things going on. You want to see more, get on facebook and peruse.
I can't remember what I've posted. No matter, here are pictures of Adeline and I just minutes from our house. The leaves were changing all over Art Museum Hill by this lovely basin and fountains. So I bundled up Adeline (it was cold outside) and we did some photos and it was so fun!
Adeline and Mama in a beautiful spot.

Adeline has long arms and can take a picture of herself! ;-)

Hi cutie!

I'm coming for you, Mommy.

Taste the rainbow.

Mom, did you want a profile shot?

Blue Steel!

Did you get the shot you wanted?

Okay, I'm crawling away now. We're done here.

Other Things We Did:
Licked a Rose

Did A Christmas Photo
(which we were too poor to send, except by email!)
Looked Confused

Looked Scared

Took A Train and A Plane (This is at the airport)

Went for a Hike (and Laughed and Laughed!)

Looked Cute While She Slept!

I love this one of Dad and Adeline!

We ate.

We bathed.

We celebrated Christmas!

Oh, and we built a snow man (woman, actually).

Then we all got sick and took it easy!!!
What have I learned?
I really need to clean my camera lens, it's kinda blurring up the works in some of these shots.
Take Care!