Adam saves my bacon, because I have this Canon camera, which *thinks* that it needs proprietary software. And I also thought that that was the requirement. So I would try to open my camera to the pics, which used to work very well with the software. But then the software stopped working if the printer was on. So I'd turn off the printer. Okay, working again. But then recently, it wouldn't work if I had opened itunes. So I'd have to reboot and try again. That helped. But then only a month ago, it wouldn't open the software, period. Even if it was the only program I was trying to run, after a fresh reboot. The USB cable was fine, we checked it out. Anyway, it just stinks burning up an hour of your life trying to trouble-shoot why you can't get your darn pictures off your freakin' camera. And then it leaves you zero time to post and comment said photos.
Adam found out that I can go right to the camera memory through My Computer and get the pics that way. That was how my Sony Powershot used to work, and I loved it. No proprietary messes. Anyway, I could have *sworn* that I tried that with my Canon and it gave me an error, so I never tried it again. Well, silly me. And smart smart Adam. :-) I love it when the solution is easy, but I never tried it.
Okay, long story short, it takes me just a few minutes to get my pics off instead of hours and hours of laborious trouble-shooting and head-scratching. And then you start to dread trying, and put it off for months and months.
So, without further ado, won't you please enjoy some pics from the last, let's say, year?!? Some old ultrasound pics? Some newer pregnancy pics?? Although sometime soon I should have some great baby photos to post! Yippee!
oldest to newest:
It's a sweet little baby with the hiccups! 10 weeks! (from October)

It's a picture of the baby at 20 weeks! (from December)

It's a picture of pregnant me at 29 weeks! (from February)

Pictures from my baby shower, back in March:

Me, Careen, and sister-in-law Sarah, with my cute little niece Bronwyn, at the baby shower:

Playing an awesome game!


How are you enjoying my pregnancy in fast-forward? It's almost like instant gratification!
Here's me now (actually taken tonight), pictures at 38 weeks, 2 left! (Unless I'm like many of the Brown kids and go an extra week, highly probable.)

Okay, so far my fav pic of being pregnant! Popping my heel in my fun red-orange shoes (that I got at Walmart for $4.00, and they are perfect pregnancy shoes, slip on and off, and with good arch support.)

I did it! Huzzah! I do hope to take some pics of the nursery, although there isn't much to see, just a crib, no new paint job or anything. And then I hope to post them! Maybe it will happen!
I do hope to post some other fun pics tonight. Pictures of where I used to work, and also at another campaigning event that we volunteered at. Mitt Romney came to endorse Tom S ch weich! Hooray! And we got a pic with Mitt! I hope it turned out well. It was taken by a professional photog. But that means we have to wait to get it. :-( Boohoo.
Love ya!
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