Getting to my job. More stairs! And I live up three flights of stairs! Stairs stairs stairs! I didn't really bother to exercise during pregnancy because I figured I was getting enough exercise just getting from point A to B and carrying groceries up the stairs. (I didn't want to cause problems or anything by overdoing it, and I hope I found a good balance. I gained the average amount of weight, and fortunately during my first trimester I just craved salads and cereal and steered clear of all sweets because they'd give me a throbbing headache -- didn't need to learn that lesson twice!)
Okay, the bucket at the stairs cracks me up. Ghetto, I know. When the A/C is on at work, there is a big drip that makes a puddle at the bottom of the stairs that the forklift guys have to drive through -- so they just put a bucket there. Problem solved!

A view of a small part of the warehouse from the top of the stairs. There are four large warehouses and a two-story administrative building at Virbac Animal Health - it's a pretty big company, and an international distributor of animal health products and medications.

Proud to be an American. About to enter the office! Oh, I love it, my pregnant belly made a cameo in this picture!!! hahaha! My arms aren't as long as I thought when I was taking this one.

My "office." Okay, not anymore, but it was good times. I remember the first month I used to get a little distracted and stare at Florida on the map, planning trips I may never take. Hello Pensacola! And the Florida Keys! And Cape Canaveral! One day my boss caught me, I think it was the first week, and she said something, I can't remember what. I tried not to look at the map when she was around. But it always got tempting around 4:15pm when I was about to get off work and logging off.

Darcy's Office! Bonjour, Darcy, representative to the French Canadians!

All my sweet coworkers! And the jogging stroller that they gave me! They also brought lots of good food from Costco! (Thanks Sarah!)

Eek! A rat! Actually, it's a squeaky toy! We sell rat bait at Virbac, and this was a little promotional item of sorts. It was like our mascot. Squeak squeak! (I did enjoy squeaking those rats, we had about six of them?)

Heehee, I drew that doggie. Woof woof! We make and sell dog shampoo, dog toothbrushes, dog meds, etc.

This fan saved my life when it started getting hot the last few weeks. Ahhhhh, I would set it right in front of my face on my desk.

Changing Gears - Onto the S ch weich campaign. (I have to spell it like that because there are spies everywhere in the opposition - and google is so quick to link to pages, believe it or not.) Our friends Amy and Elliott helped out at this fundraiser, motivated by good food! Woot! We also got autographed copies of Mitt Rom ney's book.

The life of a volunteer - Adam furiously getting the name tags ready for check-in, registration starts in a half-hour!

I got to check people in at registration, a perfect job for a pregnant lady in her third trimester. One awful pic of me, but this kid was the other half of our team and he was very helpful. Also, we had Mitt's badge at our station!

It's Mitt! Endorsing Tom S c h w iech for state auditor! Woot!

Mmm, good food, free for volunteers! Yummy salad:

The main course was, eh, okay. Still, it was nice not having to cook. Of course, I've been super-cooking lazy since I've been pregnant. Or maybe I was always cooking lazy, you'll have to get Adam's opinion there.

The dessert was super-excellent! Adam and I were huge fans!

Mitt Mitt Mitt!!!

Elliott, you did a great job putting up those flags!
That's all for now!
1 comment:
The pic of the office supplies dry erase board cracks me up - it totally looks like the dogs name is "Large Rubber Fingers"!
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