Monday, March 7, 2011

Finally Updated the Bookmarks

Sheesh! Finally updated the Bookmarks. (See the right side of this website.) I hope it will be worth the effort. Yes, I already feel like it will be worth the effort. I love things to be organized. (Although, to look at my life right now you wouldn't believe it.)

ta ta for now!

PS Let me know if I'm missing your bookmark. I will probably add it. (Although it might take another year or so for that to happen!)


Jen-ben said...

I had no idea you had a bloggy!! Now i know! you guys are so fabulous!!! xoxoxoxo

Danelle said...

LOL! I didn't know the criteria for being so fabulous is having a blog! I'll take it!

MizzMadison said...

duuude! I thought I followed a lot of blogs... I got nothing on you!!