We had so much fun. It's safe to say that at this stage in Adeline's development (she was 15 months) that she loves playing in those water fountains that shoot up like snaking water streams! We played in that thing for awhile. We also rode some rides! Oh my goodness, I couldn't believe how much she LOVED the Ferris Wheel!
This is the best photo of us, taken by Cam! (He's seven. Haha!)

Just look how excited we are to go to Six Flags in Missouri.
Now you know why they call it Six Flags.
What it feels like to park a car at Six Flags.
Taking our own photo at the entrance of Six Flags. Adeline loved the water and there are so many wonderful things to look at.
Adeline is taking in all the scenery.
A great Daddy-Daughter photo in front of the mammoth Ferris wheel.
Walking with family to the rides.
Photo with family in front of Mr Freeze! An excellent ride.
A game of Peekaboo with Grandpa by the Scooby Doo ride.
Adam and Adeline admire the Ferris wheel. Fun structure. Love the black and white.
Adeline's getting excited!
Up, Up, and Away!
Seeing the Ferris wheel afresh in the eyes of a child. (Because, let's face it, as a ride they are pretty lame. Except when your child LOVES them!)
More cool structural black and white photos with Adeline enjoying the Ferris wheel.
Look at all that contagious joy and happiness. :-)
Onto splashing in the water fountain!
Potty break. Haha, picture of a toilet!
What cool thing could they possibly be looking at???
Now we're riding a train? Will the fun never cease? :-D
I love Adeline's WOW! face! She just totally drops her jaw!
Such a cute one of Daddy. Rrowrr! Foxy man!
Onto the next attraction!
Waiting in line.
Mommy and Adeline go on a spinning ride together!
Spinning in the "hot air balloon" is fun!
I love the look on Adeline's face. Pure excitement!
Time to play in the fountains again, this time with Mama.
We are getting super soaked!
We are making the same face!!! :-D
Dad goes down a slide with Grandma and Uncle Nathan while Adeline and I take photos of them!
Aunt Sarah and her kiddos!
And I took soo many photos of a bunch of strangers for about 15 minutes! (it was a lot of photos to review!), but I somehow missed some other people in our party. Sorry! I don't know what happened!
I think this was the third time we rode the Ferris wheel. Adeline just couldn't get enough!
Finally, Adeline wears herself out at the theme park. Time for a nap in Daddy's arms! Awww.
Goodnight sweet Angel!
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